what is COM Object in Dot net?

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what is COM Object in Dot net?..

Answer / srividya_gopalan

Component Object Model is a method to facilitate
communication between different applications and languages.
The following steps explain the way to create the COM
server in C#:

Create a new Class Library project.
Create a new interface, say IManagedInterface, and declare
the methods required. Then provide the Guid (this is the
IID) for the interface using the GuidAttribute defined in
System.Runtime.InteropServices. The Guid can be created
using the Guidgen.exe. [Guid("3B515E51-0860-48ae-B49C-
Define a class that implements this interface. Again
provide the Guid (this is the CLSID) for this class also.
Mark the assembly as ComVisible. For this go to
AssemblyInfo.cs file and add the following statement
[assembly: ComVisible (true)]. This gives the accessibility
of all types within the assembly to COM.
Build the project. This will generate an assembly in the
output path. Now register the assembly using regasm.exe (a
tool provided with the .NET Framework)- regasm
\bin\debug\ComInDotNet.dll \tlb:ComInDotNet.tlb This will
create a TLB file after registration.
Alternatively this can be done in the Project properties ->
Build -> check the Register for COM interop.
The COM server is ready. Now a client has to be created. It
can be in any language. If the client is .NET, just add the
above created COM assembly as reference and use it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 5 No

what is COM Object in Dot net?..

Answer / amol

actually COM means component object model, but this raises
the problem of versioning known as DLL conflicts. so dot
net uses other functionalities to avoid it..

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 12 No

what is COM Object in Dot net?..

Answer / deepak kumar

COM stands for Component Object Model is a technology
introduced by Microsoft that enables software components to
communicate with each other staying at difference memory
location or network.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 7 No

what is COM Object in Dot net?..

Answer / balaji

Component Object Model is a model that allows different
programming languages to communicate each other.

Earlier all the dll's are made using this model so that we
could use these assembly's in any language. When we use
these in .net and create some objects are known as com
objects and these objects should be clear using
Marshal.ReleaseComObject() method because those will not be
taken care by garbase collection in .net.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

what is COM Object in Dot net?..

Answer / prashanth

COM stands for Component Object Model.
It's referred in .NET as Un-managed code during Run-times.

.NET does not have control on execution status (specially
during transaction commits or rollbacks) until in gets back
acknowledgment of action back from COM object.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 3 No

what is COM Object in Dot net?..

Answer / keshab

The Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) is a platform-
independent, distributed, object-oriented system for
creating binary software components that can interact. COM
is the foundation technology for Microsoft's OLE (compound
documents), ActiveX (Internet-enabled components), as well
as others.

ref : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-

Do not vote "No" if you do not know the answer.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

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