what is the difference between *.do & /do.*/?
So what is the diffenence btn extension mapping & path
mapping.What is those difference in work effect?

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what is the difference between *.do & /do.*/? So what is the diffenence btn extension mapping &..

Answer / kartheeswari

If we specify *.do in <url-pattern>, the ActionServlet
specified in <servlet-class> will respond to all the
request whicheverr comes from the client.

if we specify do.*, ActionServlet class respond only to the
request comes from the resource with "do" primaryname and
with any extension. like do.html, do.jsp, do.do

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what is the difference between *.do & /do.*/? So what is the diffenence btn extension mapping &..

Answer / ramanjaneyulu

whatever Tirupathi Rao told it is correct. I am adding few
more words to this question.We need to follow either
extension matching or directory match to achieve "Front
controller" design pattern. By using this design pattern
only we can able to trap all the requests to Action classes
and forwarding control to ActionServlet class.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

what is the difference between *.do & /do.*/? So what is the diffenence btn extension mapping &..

Answer / hari

hi i know only about *.do.
If we declared as *.do then from the browser we give any
url ends with .do.
ex: http://localhost/8080/../abc.do

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what is the difference between *.do & /do.*/? So what is the diffenence btn extension mapping &..

Answer / shanawaz`

Hi Frns.
In order to achieve MVC architecture feature the
file should be extends with .do extension. Means if we are
giving file name as "Login.do" it goes to the mixture of
MVC architecture.
No idea about do.*.

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what is the difference between *.do & /do.*/? So what is the diffenence btn extension mapping &..

Answer / mayookh mitra

We can use both. *.do and do.* both are valid in struts. As
a matter of fact anything is valid when we are using the url

*.do or routes all requests with a .do extension to the
specified page. And in the other case do.* directs all
request urls ending with a do.(html,jsp,whatever)to the
specified page

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what is the difference between *.do & /do.*/? So what is the diffenence btn extension mapping &..

Answer / tirupathi rao

hey,*.do is the extension match which is vallid in struts.
and /do is the directory match which is also valid,but we
should not mix up both like /do.*/,which is invalid.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 4 No

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