char S;
char S[6]= " HELLO";
printf("%s ",S[6]);

output of the above program ?
(0, ASCII 0, I,unpredictable)

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char S; char S[6]= " HELLO"; printf("%s ",S[6]); output of the above ..

Answer / kiran kumar

For the Above Program u will get the Error as Conflictinf
types for S because you are declaring 2 variables of
different types one as char and another as char aray with
same names.

So, the compiler will be in Unpredicatable stage
variable name S to be consider for what type and it will
give Error as Confilctinf types for S.

Even if u replace any of the S with s then u will get the
Output of this Program as Segfault in Linux where as in
Windows u will get the HELLO.

To the Best of my Knowledge i Posted this Answer.
Let me Know if there is any better Clarifications.

My emai Id is

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char S; char S[6]= " HELLO"; printf("%s ",S[6]); output of the above ..

Answer / fazlur

null is the answer.

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char S; char S[6]= " HELLO"; printf("%s ",S[6]); output of the above ..

Answer / divakar & venkatesh

u will get the following error
conflicting types for 'S'

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char S; char S[6]= " HELLO"; printf("%s ",S[6]); output of the above ..

Answer / vignesh1988i


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char S; char S[6]= " HELLO"; printf("%s ",S[6]); output of the above ..

Answer / vrushali

The answer is unpredictable....

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char S; char S[6]= " HELLO"; printf("%s ",S[6]); output of the above ..

Answer / prasanth


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char S; char S[6]= " HELLO"; printf("%s ",S[6]); output of the above ..

Answer / manishsoni

This gives an error, and prg is terminated.
To slove this problem we show a program..

int main()
char S[6]= "HELLO";
return 0;
this print simple hello.

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