what is the gendral format for test case?

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what is the gendral format for test case?..

Answer / priyareddy

Ref.doc.name | Section | module | Testcase ID|Testcase
description|Test Input | Expected Result | Actual Result |

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 2 No

what is the gendral format for test case?..

Answer / sujatha


According to me the test case format varies from
organization to organizations
i.e some organizations follow Excel sheet ,some
organizations follows test director to write the test cases.
but test case format is
Test case ID
Test case Description
Actual Result
Expected Result

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 3 No

what is the gendral format for test case?..

Answer / mohankanth

Test case ID - The test case id must be unique across the
Test case description - The test case description must be
very brief.
Test prerequisite - The test pre-requisite clearly
describes what should be present in the system, before the
test can be executes.
Test Inputs - The test input is nothing but the test data
that is prepared to be fed to the system.
Test steps - The test steps are the step-by-step
instructions on how to carry out the test.

Expected Results - The expected results are the ones that
say what the system must give as output or how the system
must react based on the test steps.
Actual Results – The actual results are the ones that say
outputs of the action for the given inputs or how the
system reacts for the given inputs.
Pass/Fail - If the Expected and Actual results are same
then test is Pass otherwise Fail.
The test cases are classified into positive and negative
test cases. Positive test cases are designed to prove that
the system accepts the valid inputs and then process them
correctly. Suitable techniques to design the positive test
cases are Specification derived tests, Equivalence
partitioning and State-transition testing. The negative
test cases are designed to prove that the system rejects
invalid inputs and does not process them. Suitable
techniques to design the negative test cases are Error
guessing, Boundary value analysis, internal boundary value
testing and State-transition testing. The test cases
details must be very clearly specified, so that a new
person can go through the test cases step and step and is
able to execute it. The test cases will be explained with
specific examples in the following section.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

what is the gendral format for test case?..

Answer / shweta

According to me
1 sr.no
2test case ID
4Expected o/p
5Actual o/p

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

what is the gendral format for test case?..

Answer / harsh

Test case id:
Unit to test: What to be verified?
Test data: Variables and their values
Steps to be executed:
Expected result:
Actual result:

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

what is the gendral format for test case?..

Answer / nithya

s no|test case no|test case description |test

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 5 No

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