what is the difference between <stdio.h>and "stdio.h"?

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what is the difference between <stdio.h>and "stdio.h"?..

Answer / p srinivas rao

In the first case ie. <stdio.h>,the compiler will search
for the presence of the file named stdio.h in the include
directory as well as in the current directory.
Whereas in the second case("stdio.h"),compiler will search
only in the current directory.

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what is the difference between <stdio.h>and "stdio.h"?..

Answer / ramakrishna yechuri

In the first case ie. <stdio.h>,the compiler will search
for the presence of the file named stdio.h in the
current directory.
Whereas in the second case("stdio.h"),compiler will search
in all the directories.

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what is the difference between <stdio.h>and "stdio.h"?..

Answer / krishnamurty das

<stdio.h> is the System Include so while compilation it
will be searched in the system include folder and as well
as the current folder. "stdio.h" is the user include so,
will be searched in the current directory only.

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what is the difference between <stdio.h>and "stdio.h"?..

Answer / pramod

<stdio.h> -----search in standard path defined in PATH variable

"stdio.h" -----search in current directory then in standard

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what is the difference between <stdio.h>and "stdio.h"?..

Answer / amit

<stdio.h> means it will search in current directories
"stdio.h" means it will search in entire drive. ie current

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