What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax?
Can we write connection String code in global.asax?

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What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / abhishek vyas indore

web.config file is generated automatically if we are run a application in first time a but gloabal.asax file is not generated its a optional file,

web.config is a xml file where global.asax is class file
web.config file is more efficient as compared to global.asax

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 2 No

What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / umesh

web.config file is the root page in the application we use
this file to make the connection with the database,we can
use theme attribute,authentication etc.

Where as global.asax file is for handling the Application
or page level error.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 0 No

What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / hridya

We can place connction str in global.asax


web.config file is generally considered a better place
because it's a
simple text file that is easily updated without needing to
anything and changes go into effect immediately.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 0 No

What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / nidhi

Global.asax files allows you to executing ASP.Net application level events and setting application level variable.

The web.config file uses a predefined XML format. The entire content of the file is nested in a
root <configuration> element.

We can create more than one web.config file but we can't have more than one Global.asax file.

Yes we can write connection string in Global.asax file.

First store connection string in web.config file and fetch
in a Global.asax file using below code.

In global.asax

Application["VariableName"] = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnStr"].

Now to fetch the value from applictaion variable

string conn = Application["VariableName"].ToString();

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What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / pragati

1. Web.config : It is an XML File
Global.asax file : It is an .asax file that is a class file

2. Web.config : We can have one or more web.config file.
Global.asax file : We can have only one global.asax files in one single application

3. Web.config : It consists of - a)Error Handling Codes b)Authentication c)Authorization
Global.asax file : It consists of - a)Application Events b)Session Events c)#include directive d)<object>declarations e)TypeLibrary Declarations

4. Web.config : It consists of ) HTTPHandlers
Global.asax file : It consists of declaration of objects,variables and methods.

5. Web.config : It is created by default thus,indicating its compulsion.
Global.asax file : It is an optional file.

6. Web.config : It is written in the form of HTML Tags.All configurations are mentioned in the <configuration> tag.
Global.asax file : All the code is written in valid browser scripts like JScript PerlScript, VBScript.

7. Web.config : It just needs to be saved and not be compiled to reflect the changes.
Global.asax file : It needs to compiled/rebuild to reflect the changes

8. Web.config : It consists of (a) HTTPHandlers
Global.asax file : It consists of events like :

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / asmita

web.config file if root level file you do not need to create it it is mainly used for authentication authorization ,database connection etc

global.asax file mainly handles application and session events.

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What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / dasharatham

sorry to the above answer which is applicable to ASP.NET
application folders..

web.config is which is used for settings to an application
in future requirement.

Global.asax which is handling application level events and
session level events..

I expected we can place the connection string like this
void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
Application["sqldb"] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 7 No

What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / akshay

please give me answer the between Web.config and global.asax?

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / saiish

web.config contains values.
global.config contains code.

n we cant place connection string code in global.asax.
we can place only in web.config.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 15 No

What is the Difference between Web.config and global.asax? Can we write connection String code in g..

Answer / dasharatham


Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 19 No

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