what is Entry and Exit criteria explain in detail?

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what is Entry and Exit criteria explain in detail?..

Answer / srihari

Entry and Exit criteria's tells:

For each level of testing like Intergration , System and
Urser acceptance testing, before and after what we need to

Entry criteria for Integration Testing :

1. Testing environment should be ready.
1. All the Unit Test cases should be passed.
2. High level design document should be ready.
2. All the integration Test cases should be ready.

Exit criteria for Integration Testing :

1. All the Defects found during integration testing should
be fixed.
2. All the Integration Test cases should be passed.

Is This Answer Correct ?    44 Yes 5 No

what is Entry and Exit criteria explain in detail?..

Answer / divya nandana.b

entry criteria means the circumstances required to start
the testing .
To start the testing initially we need
i)build ii) enough testcases iii)test environment i.e
physical and logical environment i.e h/w and s/w

Exit criteria means what are the circunstances required to
stop the testing

we will stop testing
i)whenever maximum high priority bugs are solved ii)whenver
budget is near to the expectations iii)whenver the time
duaration is going to finish

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 3 No

what is Entry and Exit criteria explain in detail?..

Answer / rugvendra

Entry criteria for any test level depends on what phase we
are in and completing.

To start any test phase:

1. need proper project reviewed documents.
2. Is the function/module/component that is to be tested is
stable or ready to test.
3. clear idea what we are going to do.
4. over all the Test env should be accessble.

once we have these we can get into actual phases

for these we have answers from our frnds

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what is Entry and Exit criteria explain in detail?..

Answer / naveen


Entry : after we get unit testing report

Exit : after we get test exit report

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what is Entry and Exit criteria explain in detail?..

Answer / rs

Entry Criteria is the minimum eligibility to start the
testing process on the build.
Exit criteria is the conditions at which the testing
process can be stopped.

E.g. The entry criteria for integration test is the
successful testing of unit test on the build and similarly
all the test cases run on the gevin build is the exit
criteria for that particular test

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 7 No

what is Entry and Exit criteria explain in detail?..

Answer / ramprasad.s


Entry : Modules & Functions.

Exit : High severe Bugs had been closed.


Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 26 No

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