Write a query to find the number of employees who got more
that 20,000/- and 50,000/- sal

Write a query to find the number of sudents in each course

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Write a query to find the number of employees who got more that 20,000/- and 50,000/- sal Write..

Answer / uday kumar_anem

1. select count(*)
from employee
where sal>=20000 and sal<=50000

2. select count(*)
from student
group by course

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Write a query to find the number of employees who got more that 20,000/- and 50,000/- sal Write..

Answer / krishna

here they want number of employees not empno.
select count(empid),sal from emp where sal between 20000
and 50000;

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Write a query to find the number of employees who got more that 20,000/- and 50,000/- sal Write..

Answer / vishal

oh sorry i missed it..

thx for correcting me :-)

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Write a query to find the number of employees who got more that 20,000/- and 50,000/- sal Write..

Answer / vishal

assuming emp-id and sal tobe the fields in the
table "Employee" followng query can be used

Select emp-id, sal from Employee where sal between "20000"
and "50000"
you have to run two different queries to extract records as
selecting records above 20,000 would cover the second part

2. select count (stud_id) from Student where

hope they would help

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