What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?
and when we perform smoke testing and when we perform
sanity testing?

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What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing? and when we perform smoke testing and whe..

Answer / rajeshwar rao

Smoke testing is useful for checking for the main
funcnality of the application.it is also initial type of
testing. in these chech the futures of the application>
sanity testing also initial type of testing it is also
called as tester accptance testing.to check the build is
stable or not.
smoke tetsing and sanity testing conceptually they are same
but perceputally they are different.

smoke testing is negitive point of view.sanity testing is
positive point of view.

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What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing? and when we perform smoke testing and whe..

Answer / abhishek kumar

Sanity testing:- After receiving initial build from
development team,test engineers estimate stability of that
build before start testing.This type of observation is also
known as "Testability testing"or"tester acceptance testing"or
"build verification testing".

Smoke Testing:-It is small shakeup in sanity testing.During
smoke testing,test engineer rejects build with appropriate
reason,when that build doesn't work properly.

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What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing? and when we perform smoke testing and whe..

Answer / chaitanya

HI Friends,
Smoke testing is the kind of testing that
is done by the white box testers ,generally this is done by
the developers before giving the developed application to
the black box testers.
Sanity testing is the kind of testing
done whether to check the application developed by the
developers is proper for detailed testing. This is done by
the black box testers. Here "PROPER" has four conditions,
1. Whether the application is installed properly in the
test environment or not,
2. Whether one is able to navigate all the pages or links
of the applications
3. Whether all the functionalities are available.
4. Whether connections with the database are established.

Lastly,, Sane in english means "Proper" SO checking the
application before the detailed testing is what is Sanity
Hope you guys are clear on this.


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What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing? and when we perform smoke testing and whe..

Answer / vru.babu

hello sara,

u reverse the total definition of smoke testing and
sanity testing ok.

Smoke testing - A process of testing weather the CODE is
ready to submint for testing or not

this is Developer part after coded developer will do

Sanity testing - A process of testing weather the BUILT is
ready for further testing or not
in this we people check for stebility of the build

this is tester part.

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What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing? and when we perform smoke testing and whe..

Answer / sara

Smoke testing - A process of testing weather the BUILT is
ready for further testing or not

this is tester part.

Sanity testing - A process of testing weather the CODE is
ready for further testing or not

this is Developer part after coded developer will do

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What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing? and when we perform smoke testing and whe..

Answer / raj_rex

Smoke testing is considerd as
built level test.Each time the test team receives a new
build(new version of program),an initial test is performed
to determine that the most crucial functions of the program
works and the build is stable enough and can be considered
for further testing.

Sanity testing is considered as
release level testing.When software is ready to be shiped
to client and we want to finally cheek if everything is
fine and working as per requirement.It's a sub set of
Regressing testing -a group of test cases are executed to
cheek it is indeed working according to specification

I hope this will do.But somebody may not agry with me as
this defination will vary company to company... but i think
this is the basic defination...

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