what is test coverage matrix? what its use? and its format?

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what is test coverage matrix? what its use? and its format?..

Answer / smitha .r

Test Coverage matrix is slightly different from
Traceability matrix.

Traceability Matrix is mapping the number of testcases that
serves to cover the number requirements. Its nothing but
Requirement versus no. of test cases. Its in bit high level.

where as Test coverage matrix is no. of test cases covered
for a all test scenario or for a screen/page.
It is very much in low level trying to cover as much as
possible(testcases covered).

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what is test coverage matrix? what its use? and its format?..

Answer / e edwards

The test coverage matrix is used as a test tool to map Test
Cases (or business processes and scenario) against Test
Conditions. The test conditions themselves may be linked to
business requirements identified in the Requirements and
Traceability matrix but it's mainuse is to identify all
test conditions are 'covered' against the business
processes / scenarios.

It is a way also, of reducing the amount of tests that need
to be run during execution by including the relevant test
condition to the relevant test case.

This will then form the basis of the Test Scripts.

The matrix can be used to populate the requirements
coverage (in Quality Centre for example). Each test Case
becomes a Script which should include as a minimum, the
test conditions identified in the matrix.

The benefit of this matrix is that the same test condition
can be tested under varying processes through the
application ensuring that it behaves in the same way
depending on the route through, without an excessive number
of test scripts.

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what is test coverage matrix? what its use? and its format?..

Answer / najmul

Test coverage matrix is a checklist which ensures that every functionality of application is tested or not.mainly for that functions for which test cases are not written.It is generally created for a user screen where there are plenty of controls.

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what is test coverage matrix? what its use? and its format?..

Answer / rafi

test coverage matrix is also called as tracibilty matrix,it
is a matrix to check whether test cases are covered or nor
based on the requirements.it's like check list.we will
check each test case with the requirements.

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what is test coverage matrix? what its use? and its format?..

Answer / sekhar

it think test coverage matrix is nothing but requirement
tracible matrix, to test client requiremts mapping with
test cases .


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