The Act that introduced bicameral legislature in India was:

(1) The Indian Independence Act of 1947

(2) The Indian Council Act of 1909

(3) The Government of Indian Act of 1919

(4) The Government f India Act of 1935

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The Act that introduced bicameral legislature in India was: (1) The Indian Independence Act of 19..

Answer / guest

( 3 ) The Government of Indian Act of 1919

Is This Answer Correct ?    62 Yes 10 No

The Act that introduced bicameral legislature in India was: (1) The Indian Independence Act of 19..

Answer / peter shilton

(3) The Government of Indian Act of 1919

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 0 No

The Act that introduced bicameral legislature in India was: (1) The Indian Independence Act of 19..

Answer / behroz

4. govt of india act of 1935

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 8 No

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