what is the difference between testcase and test scenario?
Please give one example.

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what is the difference between testcase and test scenario? Please give one example...

Answer / veda

Example for a TestScenario:

Check for a Textbox whether the user can able to numeric
value or not.

Ex for Test cases;

From the above scenario, we can write the following

1. Check for a +ve number.
2. Check for a -ve Number in the text box.
3. Check for a alphanumeric/special characters in the
4. Check for a "zero" in the text box.

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what is the difference between testcase and test scenario? Please give one example...

Answer / murali reddy

Test Case:A test case is a document that describes an
input, action, or event and an expected response, to
determine if a feature of an application is working

Test Scenario:what r the main functionalities u r going to

Simply we can say test case is "how to test"
and test scenario is "what to test".

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what is the difference between testcase and test scenario? Please give one example...

Answer / k.chandra sekhar

a) Test scenarios nothing but describes a situation to
prepare a test case to test a specific functionality.
b) In other words test scenarios are thread of
c) Test case is a description of what is to be tested.
d) Test case is nothing but formal steps and
e) Test case is mainly describes a feature of an
application is working correctly or not?
f) Test case is nothing but set of inputs and outputs.

My name is k.chandra sekhar
My phone no is 09246540049
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what is the difference between testcase and test scenario? Please give one example...

Answer / kumaraswamynaidu

a) Test scenarios nothing but describes a situation to
prepare a test case to test a specific functionality.
b) In other words test scenarios are thread of
c) Test case is a description of what is to be tested.
d) Test case is nothing but formal steps and
e) Test case is mainly describes a feature of an
application is working correctly or not?
f) Test case is nothing but set of inputs and outputs.

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what is the difference between testcase and test scenario? Please give one example...

Answer / srikanth

Testcase is an action,input or event and expected result
Test scenario is an way of pasibulitys

Simply i can say one thing test case is a how to test
test scenario is what to test

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what is the difference between testcase and test scenario? Please give one example...

Answer / sakthivel

Test Scenario:

What you are going to test your application/System. It
means what are things you are going to test like Look &
Feel, Functionality, Security and Performance. It has
description, Priority and status (BVT / BAT)

Test Case:

How you are going to test your application/system. It is a
procedural way to test a application and it contains the
steps, inputs, expected results, actual results and status.

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what is the difference between testcase and test scenario? Please give one example...

Answer / harsha

Test Scenario: Test Scenario is briefly explains about the
route of the testing.
Eg: Getting money from the Bank. It will tell only a
scenario to get money from the bank.

Test Case: Test case is doc that describes input,action &
expected responce do define whether the required feature is
working properly or not.

test case will cover all the possible routes
Eg: Getting money from the Bank.
We can do it by many ways a) From ATM
b) From Bank directly by Cash
c) From Interenet Banking
d) By Cheque etc.

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