what is the criteria for selecting automation testing ?

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what is the criteria for selecting automation testing ?..

Answer / kshipra singh

Criteria for automating

There are two sets of questions to determine whether
automation is right for your test case:

Is this test scenario automatable?
a. Yes, and it will cost a little
b. Yes, but it will cost a lot
c. No, it is no possible to automate

How important is this test scenario?
a. I must absolutely test this scenario whenever possible
b. I need to test this scenario regularly
c. I only need to test this scenario once in a while

If you answered "a" to both questions ? definitely automate
that test

If you answered "a" or "b" to both questions ? you should
automate that test

If you answered "b" to both questions ? you need to
consider if it is really worth the investment to automate

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what is the criteria for selecting automation testing ?..

Answer / mudaseer

when the software is stable we go for automation testing

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what is the criteria for selecting automation testing ?..

Answer / guest

The Criteria for selecting an automation testing when the
project having some complexity in the application.

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what is the criteria for selecting automation testing ?..

Answer / kanth

it is a process in which all the drawbacks of manual
testing are addressed properly and provides speed and
accuracy to existing of testing process.

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what is the criteria for selecting automation testing ?..

Answer / k.chandra sekhar

a) When the application is develop the fast this time
b) When the application is reliable this time
c) When the test cases repeatable
d) When the same operation use multiple times
e) When the application wanted the scripts
f) When the application is comprehensive
g) The above times maximum go to the automation

My name is k.chandra sekhar,
My phone no is 09246540049,
My mail id is ndra_143@yahoo.co.in
If any body want full explain send that mail

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