1.What is the purpose of ?check-in?,? check-out??

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1.What is the purpose of ?check-in?,? check-out??..

Answer / kittu

Check in :
It is a Process of uploading the data or
information from local system to the server.

Check out :
It is a Process of Downloading the data or
information from Server to the Local system.

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1.What is the purpose of ?check-in?,? check-out??..

Answer / sivakumar


Its a process of transferring the documents from
VSS database to working folder(normally our local drive).
Once u checkout the document, the other users inside the
project they can view only the document. they cant able to
modify it.


Its a reverse process of checkout. Moving document
from working folder to vss database. Once u checkin any
document, its automatically creates a new version.

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1.What is the purpose of ?check-in?,? check-out??..

Answer / rajesh



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1.What is the purpose of ?check-in?,? check-out??..

Answer / ramesh raju

all team members can access to server and get the documents
like all things about project and they can work on this
through VSS. this data calling process called
check-out.whenever we are in check-out mode nobody can
access with that.ofter completion of the work than we have
to do the check-in.only in the check-in mode anybody can
access with us and they can modify that.but the VSS
authorized person can know the who did modified.

purpose of the check-in and check-out is we can know the
daily progress of the project.

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1.What is the purpose of ?check-in?,? check-out??..

Answer / vinodh anandhan

If we want to change anything in the project then we want
to check-out the particular file after the changes made
sucessfully then we can check-in the file. if we want to
undo all our changes means we can do undo-checkout. Thru
VSS history we can check who modified the code what are all
the changes he did and all. We can also revert back the old
version form VSS.

Vinodh Anandhan
Software Tester
Exceed Technologies

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1.What is the purpose of ?check-in?,? check-out??..

Answer / thiru

Check in :
It is a Process of uploading the data or
information from local system to the server.

Check out :
It is a Process of Downloading the data or
information from Server to the Local system.

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