What is the STL?

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What is the STL?..

Answer / saroj das ,balsore

C++ Standard Template Library

The C++ STL (Standard Template Library) is a generic
collection of class templates and algorithms that allow
programmers to easily implement standard data structures
like queues, lists, and stacks.

The C++ STL provides programmers with the following
constructs, grouped into three categories:

* Sequences
o C++ Vectors
o C++ Lists
o C++ Double-Ended Queues
* Container Adapters
o C++ Stacks
o C++ Queues
o C++ Priority Queues
* Associative Containers
o C++ Bitsets
o C++ Maps
o C++ Multimaps
o C++ Sets
o C++ Multisets

The idea behind the C++ STL is that the hard part of using
complex data structures has already been completed. If a
programmer would like to use a stack of integers, all that
she has to do is use this code:

stack<int> myStack;

With minimal effort, she can now push() and pop() integers
onto this stack. Through the magic of C++ Templates, she
could specify any data type, not just integers. The STL
Stack class will provide generic functionality of a stack,
regardless of the data in the stack.

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What is the STL?..

Answer / sudeep p v

Standard Tessellation Language - a polygonal model format
that is used for rapid prototyping

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