program to find the second largest word in a paragraph
amongst all words that repeat more thn twice

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program to find the second largest word in a paragraph amongst all words that repeat more thn twic..

Answer / kiran kumar

Hi Pavani,
My name is Kiran.

Iam posting the code for ur Question.

The code is given below.

/* Program to find the second larges word in a paragraph
amongst all words that repeat more than twice */

# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
char para[80],*temp1=NULL,*temp=NULL,*first_high,*second_high;
unsigned int first_high_len,second_high_len;
printf("Enter the Paragraph\n");

temp=strchr((const char*) para, (int)' ');
temp=strchr((const char*)para,(int)' '); /* Assuming
first word as the first highest
and storing word and the number of

letters of that word */
strncpy(first_high, (const char*) para, first_high_len);

temp1=strchr((const char*)temp+1,(int)' '); /* Assuming
second word as the second highest
and storing the word and the number of

letters of that word */
strncpy(second_high, (const char*) temp+1, second_high_len);

temp1=strchr((const char*)temp+1,(int)' ');
if(temp1 == NULL)
if(temp1-temp-1 > first_high_len)
strncpy(second_high, (const char*) first_high,

strncpy(first_high, (const char*) temp+1, first_high_len);

else if(second_high_len < (temp1-temp-1) && first_high_len
!= (temp1-temp-1))
strncpy(second_high, (const char*) temp1+1, second_high_len);


if(strlen((const char*)temp+1) > first_high_len)

else if(strlen((const char*)temp+1) > second_high_len &&
strlen((const char*)temp+1) != first_high_len)

printf("\nFirst Highest word = %s , Len =
printf("\nSecond Highest word = %s , Len = %d",second_high,
return 0;

Check this code if u have any queries please be free
to ask any queries.
Email :

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program to find the second largest word in a paragraph amongst all words that repeat more thn twic..

Answer / pavani

why no body is helping me in this matter

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program to find the second largest word in a paragraph amongst all words that repeat more thn twic..

Answer / marimuthu

By simple

1.find length of each word
2.insert into binary search tree
3.recursively get the left most child of the right sub tree. finally you will get the second largest word.

via this logic you can smallest word,largest word.

is it have criticize?? mail me

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program to find the second largest word in a paragraph amongst all words that repeat more thn twic..

Answer / sai

lets write a paragraph in an array of strings a[i]
compare that array string
and if exists more than twice in that paragraph strcpy it
with other string b and the next one with string c
if strlen of b<c print b, else c
i got an idea but cant write code
if anyone tries n suceeds/finds fault mail me!
Email ID:

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