Differentiate between %type and %rowtype attribute in
Oracle PL/AQL programming ?

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Differentiate between %type and %rowtype attribute in Oracle PL/AQL programming ?..

Answer / swapna

ROWTYPE is declared at the record level and the TYPE is
declared for the coloumn level.

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Differentiate between %type and %rowtype attribute in Oracle PL/AQL programming ?..

Answer / madhuri

%type and %rowtype provides data independence,reduces
maintainance cost and allows programs to adapt as the
database changes due to new business requirements.

%rowtype is used to declare a record with the same types as
found in the specified database table,view or a cursor.

%type is used to declare a field with the same type as found
in the specified table's column.

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Differentiate between %type and %rowtype attribute in Oracle PL/AQL programming ?..

Answer / sunil

ROWTYPE is declared at the record level and the TYPE is
declared for the coloumn level.

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Differentiate between %type and %rowtype attribute in Oracle PL/AQL programming ?..

Answer / suresh somayajula

%Type is used to change the size of any datatype but only
for one record.

%Rowtype is used to declare a recoed that represents a
particular row of a table.

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Differentiate between %type and %rowtype attribute in Oracle PL/AQL programming ?..

Answer / savani rakshit

%row type is used to focus on particular record.
row%type is used to focus on single row

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Differentiate between %type and %rowtype attribute in Oracle PL/AQL programming ?..

Answer / kirankumar.vangeti

%ROWTYPE is used to declare a record with the same types as
found in the specified database table, view or cursor

%TYPE is used to declare a field with the same type as that
of a specified table's column.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Differentiate between %type and %rowtype attribute in Oracle PL/AQL programming ?..

Answer / ajeet

%type is use to declare the data type of single column and % row type is use for more then one table ,in simple words with the help of % row type we can easily declare the data type of any table in database.

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