what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?

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what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?..

Answer / rama subramanayam

enhancement in cognos in the list report:-

1) apply list colume title styles
2) apply list column body styles
3) apply table styles

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what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?..

Answer / ravi v

1) Can apply list column title
2) Can apply list column body
3) Applying table styles
4) Drill through
5) Applying patterns to chart reports
6) More than 1 column & row analysis in Cross tab reports
7) More settings in Cogons Connection

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what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?..

Answer / lakshmi

1) Purely web based reporting tool and Zero footprint means
no need to install at every body’s desktop
2) We can create multilingual reports
3) It can support any type of operating system & database
4) We can create a model, which is coming from multiple
data sources in framework manager.
1) We can't drill down and drill up
2) It can't support multi dimensional analysis
3) It’s having some limitation in generating report in
Excel format

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what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?..

Answer / kumar raja

1)We can apply list column body styles
2)We can apply list colume title styles
3)Drill through we can perform
4) We can do many settings

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what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?..

Answer / chowdary

Cognos 1.0,1.1,MR1.1,MR1.2 AND cognos 8,8.1.1MR,8.1.2MR,
now new version is 8.2

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what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?..

Answer / jayavardhan

Cognos 1.0,1.1,MR1.1,MR1.2 AND cognos 8,8.1.1MR,8.1.2MR,8.2
now new version is 8.3

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what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?..

Answer / rajitha

Enhancements in Cognos reportnet is

Cognos 1.0,1.1,MR1.1,MR1.2

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what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?..

Answer / veeru

reportnet is complete web based reporting tool.
we can create multilingual report and drillthough and
parameter and also filters.

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what are the enhancements in cognos reportnet ?..

Answer / nayani

Cognos 6.6,Cognos 7.0,7.3(Powerplay,Impromptu),Report Net
1.0,Report Net 1.1Mr1,1.1Mr2,Cognos 8BI,New version is 8.3

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