A rpg or clp command to find if the file field is defined as a character or numeric field.

A rpg or clp command to find if the file field is defined as a character or numeric field...

Answer / maha

testn opcode or %check

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I have learnt through Net that Debugging a Batch job involves 1. Submit the job with the HOLD (*YES) parameter: SBMJOB HOLD(*YES) or Hold the job queue that before submitting the job by using the HLDJOBQ command. 2. Determine the job name, user, and number of the submitted job by using the WRKSBMJOB command. 3. Type the Start Service Job command on your screen: STRSRVJOB JOB(job name/user/number) 4. Type the Start Debug command on your screen: STRDBG 5. Release the job in the jobq. Type WRKSBMJOB and then put a 6 beside the job to be released and press enter, or, if the job queue was put on hold, release the job queue with the RLSJOBQ command. 6. A display appears when the job is ready to start, saying that you can now begin debugging the job. Press F10 to show the Command Entry display. 7. Now you can start debugging by entering an Add Break Point command: ADDBKP 8.ENDDBG 9.ENDSRVJOB I tried this for RPG/400 Program and up to six steps of the above it's ok,but for me no source is displayed and i typed DSPMODSRC in Command line but still i can't see the sourceif i press F.10 and enter command ADDBKP i don't know how to add break points through it,usually i add break points using F.6 for Interactive job debugs,but since this is batch i don't know sir,Please help me out. I was asked this question in a interview,i know only RPG/400 and i’m asking for debugging of RPG/400 program only sir. or is it only possible to debug BATCH RPG ILE JOB and it is not possible to debug BATCH RPG/400 JOB kindly help me out sir

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