Why does railway carriage in motion not leave the rails ?

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Why does railway carriage in motion not leave the rails ?..

Answer / sanju

Why railway wheels have ridges on the inner side which keep
them from slipping off from the rails.

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Why does railway carriage in motion not leave the rails ?..

Answer / kanishka verma

The secret is in the design of wheel.its outer dia is
slightly less than the inner dia,so lets assume that when u
are viewing the train axial wheel from front and due to some
reason it is going to left hand side, then the left wheel
inner wheel come in contact with rail and right wheel outer
wheel come in contact with rail, which will cause a torque
from left to right direction,which make the rail axial in
center position. it is a kind of self centering method in
kinematic engineering also it has ridges on the inner side
which prevent the wheel from getting slip from rail.
Example: take a cap of small bottle and a little bit bigger
bottle and join their middle point with a stick, then role
it on a plain surface, you will find your answer.

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