Jack & Jill went to the hill....In going to hill (upword
Direction)...Jack went to the hill first nd waited for Jill
for "x" hours.. Jack's speed was then twice of Jill.. In
the down word direction Jill can go 3km in a hour, while
Jack can go 1km in 1 hour.. Jill reach the ground 1st nd
waited for Jack for "x" hours.. Total journey they traveled
is 6 km.. Find the speed of Jack...

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Jack & Jill went to the hill....In going to hill (upword Direction)...Jack went to the hill fi..

Answer / bharath raj

previous ans wrong again..!!!!
first find x its 2 hours
total journey 6 hrs 3km up and also down
jill takes one hr to come down and jack takes 3 hrs so x
is 2 hours....

And while going up jack goes at 1.5km/hr and jill goes at
0.75 km hr so to travel 3 km they take 2 hrs and 4 hrs
respectively...!!! x again is 2 hrs...

so jack totally takes 5 hrs to travel 6 km
therfore speed is 6/5 km per hour

thats is 1.2 km per hour is the correct answer

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Jack & Jill went to the hill....In going to hill (upword Direction)...Jack went to the hill fi..

Answer / m.mohamed ziavudeen

8.33 km/hr

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Jack & Jill went to the hill....In going to hill (upword Direction)...Jack went to the hill fi..

Answer / khanijkumar

for jack
3=v*t; if his speed is v and time taken was t hours
For Jill

There fore
In down word direction
jill speed 3km/hr
time taken by him to cover 3 kms is 1 hr;
time taken by Jack is 3 hr;
There fore jill wait 2 hr;

There fore t=2;

There fore velocity of Jack is 1.5km/hr in the upword
downward velocity is 1 km/hr

there fore
average speed is 2*1.5*1/(1.5+1)=1.2km/hr

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