i want to create a crosstab report where product will be on rows year on column and revenue on measure. based on the users selection in value prompt, if user select the August 15, crosstab year column should display values for aug 15, aug 14, aug 13 and aug 12 i.e for last for years but same month. how could we achieve this?

i want to create a crosstab report where product will be on rows year on column and revenue on measu..

Answer / mohanakkireddy16

First i need to know,
1. is it a relational or Dimensional Package
2. about your Time Dimension

See, in go Sales Query Package, its easy.
Firstly, Create a crosstab report where product will be on rows year on column and revenue on measure. (Assume this as (Query 1)), Create a value prompt - USE value & Display Value is "Month" Query Item. - (Assume this as (Query 2))

Create a detail Filter as [Sales (query)].[Time].[Month] = ?Month? in (Query 1).

Unlock the Cells. then Drag Layout Expression to left side of the " <#Year#> " and then drag Month Parameter into the expression and then click ok .

Give some Default value for that value prompt like March.

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