What is the difference between smoke an sanity testing with
example ?

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What is the difference between smoke an sanity testing with example ?..

Answer / balu kalkur

Sanity Testing
Narrow and deep testing. Unscripted
Take some very very important features and do deep testing
It is manually done

Smoke Testing
Scripted. Shallow and wide testing
Take all important features and do high-level testing
Build comes – write automation scripts and run the script. Thus test done automatically.

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What is the difference between smoke an sanity testing with example ?..

Answer / wasim hajwane

Smoke Testing - testing the major functionality of the application by the development team before deploy the application into testing environment is called smoke testing.

Sanity Testing- testing the major functionality of the application is called sanity testing.once the application has developed and deploy into testing environment, We can performing the sanity testing, because if the major functionality is working properly, then only we can continue further testing in the application.

Definition wise only we have difference between sanity and smoke testing but practically both are same because only testing team performing the major functionality of the application in testing environment. That why some tester in some project called as sanity testing and some tester in some project called as smoke testing.

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What is the difference between smoke an sanity testing with example ?..

Answer / vinoth

Smoke Testing : we testing major functionality is working or not. Its subset of regression testing. Ex: General Health Check up of our body.

Sanity testing: after the build release we test specifically particular piece of s/w. It subset of Acceptance testing. Ex: Special check for particular parts in our body.

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What is the difference between smoke an sanity testing with example ?..

Answer / rajesh

smoke test is done manually where as sanity testing is tested in tool using vb script

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What is the difference between smoke an sanity testing with example ?..

Answer / ankur16

Smoke testing done by both tester and developer
Sanity done by only tester
Smoke testing can be automated
sanity testing can't be automated
smoke testing-to verify basic or critical existing functionality of an application before start rigorous testing
Sanity testing-To verify newly added/updated functionality
or bug fixes

IN technical terms
smoke testing excercises the entire system end to end
sanity testing excercises only a particular component of the entire system

IN general terms
Smoke is shallow and wide approach like general health
Sanity is narrow and deep approach testing like
specialized health checkup

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What is the difference between smoke an sanity testing with example ?..

Answer / manya

Smoke Testing is testing the system with respect to
main/basic functionality as soon as the application is
available for testing so as to avoid any time loss later
during thorough testing of each functionality

Sanity Testing is testing the changed or new functional
fuctionality just in order to check that at least the
change exists in the system

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What is the difference between smoke an sanity testing with example ?..

Answer / sonu

smoke testing is to the the software functionality at the developers side and developers formally testing and post in to repository after testers proceed..

sanity testing. here tester will start the testing process based on functionality..

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