Who solves problems ?

- A Wise Person or
- A Clever Person

please justify your answer.

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Who solves problems ? - A Wise Person or - A Clever Person please justify your answer...

Answer / santosh

Hi, Sonia

Thanks for your answer and justification, but the answer is
not correct, because a wise person does not solve a problem,
he/she always avoid a problem.

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Who solves problems ? - A Wise Person or - A Clever Person please justify your answer...

Answer / sonai boral

Some time a clever person can solve a problem, but not in
always, because there is requirement of wisdom, so there is
more probability of solve any problem by a wise person as
well as a knowledgeable person.

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Who solves problems ? - A Wise Person or - A Clever Person please justify your answer...

Answer / siri

santhosh can you plesase send me the right ans for this question

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Who solves problems ? - A Wise Person or - A Clever Person please justify your answer...

Answer / santosh

the right ans for this question is...A Clever Person

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