write a program to read a number and print in words that is
in sentence for example 21,219 then output is "twenty one
thousand and two hundred nineteen" by using only control
flow statements (only loops and switch case )?

write a program to read a number and print in words that is in sentence for example 21,219 then out..

Answer / anil kumar

import java.util.Scanner;

public class numberFormat
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter 4 digit number : ");
int num=s.nextInt();
int a=num;


System.out.println("One thousand");
else if(a==2)
System.out.println("Two thousand");
else if(a==3)
System.out.println("Three thousand");
else if(a==4)
System.out.println("Four thousand");
else if(a==5)
System.out.println("Five thousand");
else if(a==6)
System.out.println("Six thousand");
else if(a==7)
System.out.println("Seven thousand");
else if(a==8)
System.out.println("Eight thousand");
else if(a==9)
System.out.println("Nine thousand");
int first=num-a*1000;

int y=first/100;

System.out.println("One hundred");
else if(y==2)
System.out.println("Two hundred");
else if(y==3)
System.out.println("Three hundred");
else if(y==4)
System.out.println("Four hundred");
else if(y==5)
System.out.println("Five hundred");
else if(y==6)
System.out.println("Six hundred");
else if(y==7)
System.out.println("Seven hundred");
else if(y==8)
System.out.println("Eight hundred");
else if(y==9)
System.out.println("Nine hundred");
int second=first-y*100;

int x=second/10;
else if(x==2)
else if(x==3)
else if(x==4)
else if(x==5)
else if(x==6)
else if(x==7)
else if(x==8)
else if(x==9)
int third=second-x*10;

int z=third;

if (z==2)
System.out.println(" two");
else if (z==3)
System.out.println(" three");
else if (z==4)
System.out.println(" four");
else if (z==5)
System.out.println(" five");
else if (z==6)
System.out.println(" six");
else if (z==7)
System.out.println(" seven");
else if (z==8)
System.out.println(" eight");
else if (z==9)
System.out.println(" nine");



use switch case in case of if condition you will get it.

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