What is the difference between QA & QC ?

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What is the difference between QA & QC ?..

Answer / duttasj

QA stands for Quality Assurance and is overall responsible
for ensuring quality of the product and related compliance
activities (GMP, documentation etc) that can have an impact
on the product quality.

QC stands for Quality Control and is specifically involved
in analysis of sampling of raw and packaging materials and
their analysis, analysis of finished products and
preparation of Certificate of Analysis. They are also
involved in performing analytical method validation
activitites, equipment qualification and calibration.
In some organizations QC plays an additional role of
performing stability analysis.

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What is the difference between QA & QC ?..

Answer / dhiraj manohar kini (099708076

Difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control:

1) QA - Decision maker

QC - Service department

2) QA - Controls / more conscious about the hidden quality in the product.

QC - Checks the apparent quality of the product.

3) QA - has different tools like, in-process checks, validation, qualification, etc. and develops its own specifications (RM/PM/FG).

QC - single tool i.e. Specification & test methods which are already given by diff. pharmacopoeia (IP/EP/USP/etc).

4) Quality Assurance is a part of quality management process which concentrates on providing confidence (assures) that quality requirements must be fulfilled.

Quality Control is a part of quality management process which concentrates on fulfilling the quality requirements.

5) Quality Assurance is a set of activities for ensuring quality in the processes by which products are developed.

Quality Control is a set of activities for ensuring quality in product. The activities focus on identifying defects in the actual products produced.

6) Quality Assurance is the process of managing for quality;

Quality Control is used to verify the quality of the output.

7) Quality Assurance develops the quality in the product.

Quality Control checks the Quality of the product.

8) The goal of Quality Assurance is to prevent introducing defects in the PRODUCT which help to improve the development and testing processes.

The goal of Quality Control is to identify the defects in the PRODUCT after it is developed.

9) QA is Pro-active means it identifies weaknesses in the processes.

QC is Reactive means it identifies the defects and also corrects the defects or bugs also.

10) QA - It does not involve executing the program or code.

QC - It always involves executing the program or code.

11) All peoples who are involved in the developing PRODUCT responsible for the quality assurance.

Testing team is responsible for Quality control.

12) Quality Assurance is process oriented.

Quality Control is product oriented.

13) Quality Assurance basically aims to prevention of defects to improve the quality.

Quality Control basically aims to detection of defects to improve the quality.

14) QA - It identifies weakness in processes to improve them.

QC - It identifies defects to be fixed.

15) Verification is an example of Quality Assurance.

Validation/Testing is an example of Quality Control.

16) QA - It is a staff function.

QC - It is a line function.

17) QA - It is done before Quality Control.

QC - It is done only after Quality Assurance activity is completed.

18) Quality Assurance means Planning done for doing a process.

Quality Control Means Action has taken on the process by execute them.

19) Quality Assurance dept. has more concerned about the impurity in the product rather than the purity.

Quality Control dept. has more concerned about the purity in the product.

20) Quality Assurance deals with the Quality of total yield quantity of the product.

Quality Control deals with the small sample quantity for checking the Quality of the product.

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What is the difference between QA & QC ?..

Answer / sundhar

Quality assurance(QA) is the set of activities to ensure the quality of process whereas Quality control(QC) is the set of activities to ensure the quality of Product.

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What is the difference between QA & QC ?..

Answer / chamaraja

QA means quality assurance..means to sale the product it should authorised by the QA
QC means quality control tht is in every step thy check the purity of the compound

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What is the difference between QA & QC ?..

Answer / s. g. krishna

QA-Quality assurance, it is like a adjusting tools and QC-quality control, it is like a handling tools

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