what is the difference between profit and revenue?

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what is the difference between profit and revenue?..

Answer / b.vijaya bhaskar reddy

Revenue is NOT the same as sales.
Revenue is the total of ALL income to the company, from whatever source.

Profit is what's left over after ALL expenses, not just the expenses of prosucing the products.

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what is the difference between profit and revenue?..

Answer / lakshmi prasanna.bonthu

revenue means total income of that financial year.
but profit is different from revenue,
profit means the amount of revenue (or) income which exceeds
the expenditure of that financial year.
in simple words, its the difference b/w expenditure & income
in one financial year.

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what is the difference between profit and revenue?..

Answer / amit tiwari

Revenue-total earning (like Sale,bank interest,or any other

Profie- Total Revenue-Expenses

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what is the difference between profit and revenue?..

Answer / babhu kanchupalli

The amount arise from the regular business activities i.e sales is called revenue......

Profit is Revenue over expenditure.....

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what is the difference between profit and revenue?..

Answer / mahendararaj

Revenue meant whatever we will get cash from the customer due
to sold, But profit meant after deduct reasonable expenses (
Direct or Indirect Expenses) Ex. We sold vehicle for Rs 20000,
and we paid Rs 2000 Salary for the salemen. The revenue is
20000, Profit is 18000.

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