why to use transient variables when static variables can be
used for Serialization

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why to use transient variables when static variables can be used for Serialization..

Answer / lenina

only non static and non transient variables can be serialized.

if we want a variable to be instance variable,but the
variable is non serializable variable, then we declare that
variable as transient. here exactly we can make use of

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why to use transient variables when static variables can be used for Serialization..

Answer / ram

Both static & Transient are may not be serialized.

Static means one per class not one per object. Static
variables are not saved and when an object is deserialized,
it will have whatever static variable its class currently
has. Don’t make serializable objects dependent on a
dynamically-changing static variable. It might not be the
same when the object comes back.

Transient variables are given a value of NULL for object
references and defaults (0, false, etc) for primitives.

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why to use transient variables when static variables can be used for Serialization..

Answer / priyanjan

static variables can also serialized but is a very
cumbersome process. Transient keyword prefixing any
variable states that the varible does serialized but its
state i.e. value of the varible, does not serialize.

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why to use transient variables when static variables can be used for Serialization..

Answer / yogesh

A transient variable is a variable that may not be serialized.

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