Explain the difference between decision coverage and
condition coverage ? If possible provide few examples.

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Explain the difference between decision coverage and condition coverage ? If possible provide few e..

Answer / mfsi_satyakamm

Decision coverage - It checks whether every edge of the
program is covered or not i.e. each edge of every control
structure(i.e. IF and CASE statements)are covered or not.

Condition coverage - It checks whether every conditional
statements are covered or not. It evaluates for only true
and false condition for each conditional statement not every
edge of those conditional statement.

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Explain the difference between decision coverage and condition coverage ? If possible provide few e..

Answer / mfsi_krushnas

Decision Coverage
1.Generally it says The test inputs to cover all
decisions(for ex:IF) will be in such a way that,those test
inputs can be able to make that decision block both true and
for ex:
print a;
if (b>c)
print c;
print b;
so here we should make test inputs in such a way that it
should able to make first if true and false although there
is no else condition.same for the second if block.
condition coverage
Here condition refers to the all possible conditions
existing in the program that we can traverse.
for ex:
if((a>b) && (b>c))

here inside the decision block there are conditions which we
should traverse.

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Explain the difference between decision coverage and condition coverage ? If possible provide few e..

Answer / priyanka agrawal

100% decision coverage is 100% statement coverage.but 100%
statement coverage is not 100% decision coverage.This is
because decision contains both true and false part.So 100%
statement coverage can not cover both true as well as
false.and if decision is covered that means automatically
the statement will be covered.

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