What is active and passive transformation?

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What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / sasikumar_bes

A transformation is said to be active when the no. of input
rows to the transformation is not equal to the number of
output rows from the transformation.
input rows != output rows either it can be less or more

when input rows is equal to the output rows then it is
called passive transformation.

Is This Answer Correct ?    43 Yes 11 No

What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / atiric softwares(raja)

An active transformation can change the no. of rows that
passes through it eg: filter transformation passes the rows
from the source to target that which meet the filter condition.

an passive transformation cannot change the rows that which
passes through it eg: an expression transformation that
performs the calculation on the data and passes all the rows
from source to target

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 2 No

What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / sai krishna karri

Active transformation is a transformation which may or may
not output the same number of rows as the number of rows it
got as the input.

Ex: Aggregator - It will filter the duplicates based on the
group by ports. But, it doesn't mean that it has to filter
the input rows everytime. If it gets the distinct set of
group by values in all the input rows, it will output all
the input rows. So, in this case it cannot filter any row
and the number of input rows and output rows will be
exactly same.

Sorter - Sorter will be basically used to arrange the
incoming records for easier processing(for example, an
aggregator need not read all the rows to find a maximum
value of a sales, if u sort by sales ascending and group by
sales in the connecting aggregator from the above sorter).
In the above case, it will not filter any rows but it will
just rearrange the order of rows as u specify the specific
port(sales) to arrange on.
On the other hand, the sorter transformation is also
provided to output only the distinct rows, where it can
filter the duplicate rows and send the unique set. Here, it
has to filter the duplicates, which in turn changes the row
count i.e input vs Output no. of rows.

If u take a filter, it doesn't have to filter the rows all
the time just because it is name as 'FILTER', it will just
apply the filter condition on all the input rows and pass
those records that qualify the condition. If u set a 'TRUE'
condition in the filter it will pass all the rows as it
gets from the input.

so, based on my above scenarios, i would like to reiterate
that an active transformation is provided with the ability
to filter the rows from the input based on that particular
criteria. It never will be compulsory to change the input
and output number of rows.

Hope my little effort of this answer helped atleast few of

If you have any other questions, just email me at

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 6 No

What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / sameer

In Sorter, there is an option as "Allow only distinct",
which can change the no.of output records. So it is
classified as Active.

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 4 No

What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / thava

I totally agree with Sai Krishna Karri that any
can be active or passive depends to the condition we

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 3 No

What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / malli

Active is a no of rows can change pass through it, and

Passive is can not change the no of rows pass through it.

eg: filter transformation passes the rows
from the source to target that which meet the filter condition.

eg: an expression transformation that
performs the calculation on the data and passes all the rows
from source to target

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 2 No

What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / chandu

Hello All,
I have a query to all of u guys...
U all said If any t/r changes the number of records it is a
active ritee....?

So here my query is about Union t/r, In Informatica by
default Union t/r acts as Union all means allow duplicates..

If I have 2 sources having 20 records each after union t/r
the result should be 40 records so, there is no change in
records, even then it is an active t/r yyyyyyyy?

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / mayank jhawar

Active Transformation -
An Active transformation can change teh number of rows that
pass through it from source to traget. It eliminates rows
that do not meet the condition in transformation.

Passive Transformation -A Passive transformation does not
change teh number of rows that pass through it i.e., it
passes all rows through the transformation.

List of transformations coming under Active transformations
are -

Source Qualifier Transformation
Aggregator Transformation
Filter Transformation
Rank Transformation
Joiner Transformation
Router Transformation
Normalizer Transformation
Update strategy Transformation
Sorter Transformation
ERP Source Qualifier Transformation
Advanced External Procedure Transformation
Look Up (now it is an active transformation)

And here find the Passive Transformations list -

Expression Transformation
Sequence Generatoe Transformation
LookUP Transformation (till Informatica Version9.0)
Stored Procedure Transformation
XML Source Qualifier Transformation
External procedure Transformation
Input Transformation(Mapplet)
Output Transformation(Mapplet)

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / mln

Active transformations number of output rows will be lesser
than input rows.
and active transformations work at column level.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 18 No

What is active and passive transformation?..

Answer / baiju

When a row enters a transformation, informatica assigns a
rownumber. if this number change for a row, that's an
Active transformation. In other words the nth row comming
IN will go as n'th row, then the transformation is PASSIVE.

Sorter is an active transformation!! IT never changes
the total row count, it changes only the order!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 19 No

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