I have a scenario like
Deptno=10---->First record and last record
Deptno=20---->First record and last record
Deptno=30---->First record and last record
I want those first and last records from each department in
a single target. How to do this in DataStage, any one can
assist me.
Thanks in advance.

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I have a scenario like Deptno=10---->First record and last record Deptno=20---->First recor..

Answer / ashok

Source--->Sort stage--->copy stage
From copy stage we have to take two source stages
source1-->Removeduplicate stage(in this we can get first
record from each dept)
source2--->Remove duplicate stage(in this we can get last
record from each dept)
using funnel we can add these results.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 4 No

I have a scenario like Deptno=10---->First record and last record Deptno=20---->First recor..

Answer / d anil babu

take source--->copy---->remove dupli stage---->
----->remove dupli stgae-->funnel-->dataset
in first remove duplicate stage select duplicate retain first
in second rmd select duplicate retain last and in funnel u
have to select the sort funnel

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

I have a scenario like Deptno=10---->First record and last record Deptno=20---->First recor..

Answer / amjad pasha

SOURCE ---> SORT STAGE(sort key mode = sort, create cluster
key change column and create key change column should be
REMOVE DUPLICATE STAGE_1 (key=dept and Duplicate to Retain
= First) AND REMOVE DUPLICATE STAGE_2 (key=dept and
Duplicate to Retain = Last) ---> FUNNEL STAGE (Funnel
Type=Continues Funnel) ---> TARGET

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

I have a scenario like Deptno=10---->First record and last record Deptno=20---->First recor..

Answer / prabhu


in sortstage->create key changecolumn=true
removeduplicates stage->duplicates retain:-last
we can get last and first record group wise.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

I have a scenario like Deptno=10---->First record and last record Deptno=20---->First recor..

Answer / subhash

Source--->Sort stage--->copy stage======>(SRC1,SRC2)
From copy stage we have to take two source stages
SRC-->Removeduplicate stage(in this we can get first
record from each dept--> Duplicates To Retain=First)
SRC2--->Remove duplicate stage(in this we can get last
record from each dept--> Duplicates To Retain=Last)
using funnel we can add these results.


in sortstage->create key changecolumn=true
this will set '1' for 1st records and '0' next duplicate
removeduplicates stage(key columns=Deptno, CreateKeyChange
Columns)->duplicates retain:-last

we can get last(CreateKeyChange is zero and from all the
duplicates in that group, we are retaing last record) and
first(CreateKeyChange is 1) record group(Dept) wise.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

I have a scenario like Deptno=10---->First record and last record Deptno=20---->First recor..

Answer / naga

take a sequential file and give the output link to copy
stage and from copy stage give one output link to head
stage and one output to tail stage and in head and tail
stages give no. of partitions per record =1 and give the
output to funnel stage and give funnel type = sequence and
mention the link order to displays which records first and
give the output link to dataset and you will get the output
you want

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No

I have a scenario like Deptno=10---->First record and last record Deptno=20---->First recor..

Answer / c raghavendra nivas

source---copy                    ------funnel----output

it works i did it
try if u want

if its a database you can do witha co-related sub query

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

I have a scenario like Deptno=10---->First record and last record Deptno=20---->First recor..

Answer / naga

take sequential file and give its output to copy and copy
it to two datasets.in one dataset select the partition on
deptno type=modulus and perform sort and select both stable
and unique you will get first redcords and in another
dataset select partition on deptno and type modulus and
perform sort and select only unique and give give both
dataset outputs to funnel and give its output to dataset

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

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