9.Can we export data of reports into other format like in
world doc etc?
10.Can we create report using more than one database?

9.Can we export data of reports into other format like in world doc etc? 10.Can we create report ..

Answer / kalpesh

9. We can export the data in Word doc. Adobe Acrobat,
HTML,Excel,Rich Text format,XML.
10.We can create the report but we must having the primary
key for both the database, otherwise it fails to create the
smart linking between two database.
Generally using more than one link is not supported.

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More Crystal Enterprise Suite Interview Questions

Hi friends please reply what will be the answer to following question in crystal report 1)Difference between the CR8.5 & CR10.5(withing VS2008) in terms of features. 2)Is Hierarchy of grouping features in either CR8.5 or CR10.5. what are its limitation i.e maximum no's can be created. 3)Scenario - If I have a string semicolon separated(1000 in nos) then how to pass it into Record Selection formula or parameter. 4)Scenario - If user want to do dynamic grouping at runtime that to while designing report only 1 group was created and as per user at runtime based on user selection different fields are used to create group. How is it possible. (Is it possible through formula?) 5)what is cascade or dynamic prompting.whether this is a feature of CR8.5 or CR10.5. 6)what to answer for question "How would you start crystal report development" 7)How "set location" is useful & how to implement it. 8)Scenario - At design time report was developed using MS SQL as datasource but at client side they are using Oracle which is having same table name and structure will the report work? If yes what changes are required to do so. 9)when does "Table Not Found" error is generated.

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