How can you find dead code!!

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How can you find dead code!!..

Answer / satish nath siddha

Dead code is something, which is not executed. Generally,
static testing techniques are used to find out dead code.
There are lots of Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) tools
like Static Analyzer, to perform this static testing. This
is more of a white-box testing, done by developers in most

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How can you find dead code!!..

Answer / bhargavi

If the program is small, dead code can be detected by
manual code review.for each file,class,module and
interface,list where it is being used.For which no use
location is available is the candidate for removel.
If program is very large it is hard to detect the
unreachable code,in such cases make use available tools.

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How can you find dead code!!..

Answer / mfsi_chinmayb`

Dead code (a.k.a Unreachable code),as the name suggests is
the portion of the code which is never executed.
Point out the word NEVER , as the code above that made the
break before that and the execution of that never come.
int function(a,b)
int z;
return a+b;
z=a*b; //It will never be executed

The above is the example for a Statement . There might a big
function which is never executed.In larger programs 5-10% of
dead code can be found.

Note : If a program is smaller in size error code can be
checked manually.But for larger program we have automated
tools like: TrueCoverage etc

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