How can u create the Object of class Without using "New"

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How can u create the Object of class Without using "New" opertor?..

Answer / mohan reddy

In 3 ways we can able to create object without using "new"

1)Using a Static Factory Method
2)Using newInstance() method...
class A=(A)Class.forName("A").newInstance();
3)Using clone() method.

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How can u create the Object of class Without using "New" opertor?..

Answer / giridhar gangapatnam

There are 4 ways to create object:

1.using new operator
Employee obj=new Employee();
Except this one

2.using factory methods
NumberFormat obj=NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();

3.using newInstance() method
Class c=Class.forName("Employee");
Employee obj=(Employee)c.newInstance();
or we can write these two lines as a single line
Employee obj=

4.By cloning
Employee obj1=new Employee();
Employee obj2=(Employee)obj1.clone();

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 4 No

How can u create the Object of class Without using "New" opertor?..

Answer / seshu godavarthi

when the class is declared as static we can create an
object for the class without instantiating or without using
new operator...we can access the variables or methods in
the class by using the classname

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