12. What is the configuration management?

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12. What is the configuration management?..

Answer / vv

Configuration mangement nothng but maintaing and tratcking
the files which are saved.Normally organisations use VSS as
configuration mangement tool.

VSS is a abbreviated asa visual source safe.Its a version
control tool.After completion of developing the completion
the build will be stored in vss.The file willnot editable
after saving the file into VSS.Here we hVE Check In
/Checkout Process to Upload/Download the Files.After Check
out then only u can modify the files/ Documents.After that
the tester will CHECKOUT and save the same file for testing.
The VSS will be useful to a tester like sending his testcase
for review and storing his documents and sending the bug
reports to testlead

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12. What is the configuration management?..

Answer / mfsi_priyankaa

Configuration management (CM) is a field of management that
focuses on establishing and maintaining consistency of a
system or product's performance and its functional and
physical attributes with its requirements, design, and
operational information throughout its life.

It includes version and build management.

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12. What is the configuration management?..

Answer / guest

I believe Configuration Management goes well beyond what was described above. The team in an enterprise usually takes care of the internal applications for the organization like the Human Resource Management Systems, Version Control Systems, provides user with licenses, manages servers with licenses, etc. There are some DB functions that are executed by the team. They usually hold a pool of resources to be used by several teams within a large scale software development organization. They usually take care of performance tuning of an application irrespective of the application being developed. They develop installation support for the product developed by a product development entity. There should be other activities executed by the CM team within an organization. I believe majority of them make use of Python scripting and software like Install Anywhere or their Open Source counterparts to package applications.

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12. What is the configuration management?..

Answer / mfsi_krushnas

Configuration management (CM) is the detailed recording and
updating of information that describes an enterprise's
hardware and software. Such information typically includes
the versions and updates that have been applied to
installed software packages and the locations and network
addresses of hardware devices. Special configuration
management software is available. When a system needs a
hardware or software upgrade, a computer technician can
accesses the configuration management program and database
to see what is currently installed. The technician can then
make a more informed decision about the upgrade needed

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