Advantage of data Reader?

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Advantage of data Reader?..

Answer / o p yadav

To highlight the advantages of using a DataReader over the
DataSet, here’s an example of using a DataSet. The following
fills a DataSet with the results from a table, and outputs
the first field in each row:


SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter
("select * from mytable;",conn);
DataSet s = new DataSet();
foreach (DataRow dr in s.Tables[0].Rows)

As you can see, we don’t actually start the actual
inspection of data (the foreach loop), until the whole
DataSet has been filled. There may be occasions where we may
not use all our results, or we might execute other code
while inspecting (a progress bar’s progress is a trivial
example). Using a DataSet, this can only take place after
the complete results are fetched and passed into the various
collections within the DataSet.

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Advantage of data Reader?..

Answer / athira

The datareader object allows users to read and output each
column of a multi-column asci file (up to 64 columns)
through a separate outlet. Each line can be output
sequentially, forward or backward, or by indicating a
specific line number. The object also includes simple
interpolation and smoothing between lines

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