what is initial load and incremental load

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what is initial load and incremental load..

Answer / manikandan

The only difference that the inital load jobs were set to
first truncate the tables and then do a complete load and
the incremental load was set to insert new rows and update
existing rows for DIMENSION Tables. Facts jobs were same
(truncate and complete load)

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what is initial load and incremental load..

Answer / pavani

initial load means :when ever the target table is empty on
that time we load from starting year data to up to this day
data we are loading into the taget like facts or dwh or
datamarts.this is initial loading.that data loadini time is
max20 to 30 hours time it takes ex 90 gb data something.

incremental loading means just coming data that means today
data that data load into target table this is called as
incremental loading(already previos data is loading into
tagets then just now comming data is loading into target
table that means updated data)it takes loading time is 3 to
4 hours.

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what is initial load and incremental load..

Answer / saidarao

1.waht ever the data in the source is called intial load
(the data is already loaded in target is called before data)
2.the data which is generated after the data already loaded
is called after data
(the changes done in source are going 2 refresh the target
that is called incermental load)
per day-360 times

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