what is the difference between HLD(high level design)and LLD(low level design)?

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what is the difference between HLD(high level design)and LLD(low level design)?..

Answer / nainappa

HLD means High level Design where we will concentrate on
designing the main modules of the application.LLD means Low
Level Design where we will concentrate designing the
componenets in the modules.The Best example for this is in
the application the Module designing like how many fields
it should contain,how many links and archetececture of
module will come under HLD.In the low level logics of the
loop and other things we will design...

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what is the difference between HLD(high level design)and LLD(low level design)?..

Answer / mouna

HLD is also called as architectural design. it shows the
flow of project.
LLD is also called detail design.
A project may have 1 hld and any number of lld's that means
the hld gives the whole architecture.
where as lld gives the details of each module(a project may
have many modules but single architecture)

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what is the difference between HLD(high level design)and LLD(low level design)?..

Answer / anilkumar

LLD is like detailing the HLD.it define the actual logic for
each and every component of the system.

HLD is overall design of the system-covering system
architecture and database design.It describes the various
relations between modules and function of the system..

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what is the difference between HLD(high level design)and LLD(low level design)?..

Answer / bhuvana

HLD in this level of designing the project is devided into

This is done by Technical Manager OR Chief Architect

LLD in this level of designing the modules are further
devided into number of submodules, by drawing some diagrams
using UML

This is done by Team Lead

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what is the difference between HLD(high level design)and LLD(low level design)?..

Answer / castor_troy

HLD is high level design. It gives only the layout of the
modules of the complete application and how it is expected
by the customers. Does not normally have enuf details for a
developers to start with the development. Prepared by the TM
or the Manager.

Where as LLD is Low level design. It gives the complete and
detailed requirement of all the modules etc. normally
prepared by project manager or the project lead.

A tester mainly works with the LLD.

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