what steps india shouid take as china is pushing borders or
rising chinies incrusion in to indian territory?

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what steps india shouid take as china is pushing borders or rising chinies incrusion in to indian t..

Answer / joe

India must make peaceful conversations with China and let
them know that India is unhappy with the activities going on
from their side. It must also be cleared that India will
take strong action against these intrusions if they are not
restricted by China itself.

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what steps india shouid take as china is pushing borders or rising chinies incrusion in to indian t..

Answer / vipul

first there must be demarcation between the two countries, as china does not recognise mc mahon line or line of actual control as border.after this authentication of separation,indian army must establish a complete new corp having mountain division batallion.that is how we would be able to protect our territory.subsequently promote trade and commerce to divert china in economic benefits of both the countries.meanwhile modernize indian armed forces to take care of chinese aggression in future.

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what steps india shouid take as china is pushing borders or rising chinies incrusion in to indian t..

Answer / pradeep

We need to take steps at three levels
firstly we all know power respect power so we raise our defence strength by modern weapons of top level and world class technology specially indeginous developed, economic strength also need to be strengthen by suitable policies.
Secondly raise our standard at international level so that we fulfill our peoples need and utilise international support for progress of our peoples.
thirdly we need to educate, trained, efficient our people specially youth so by all round progress we stand against the international challenges.

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what steps india shouid take as china is pushing borders or rising chinies incrusion in to indian t..

Answer / pooja sharma

the india should take immediate actions regarding the
activities of chinese . Much force should me borded to the
border to keep an eye i their inculties and then if such
thing occur then firstly the meeting should be set up to
sort the matter by warning them not to inject the chinese
territory into the indian borders , and even if the action
continues then if it demands war it should be done.

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what steps india shouid take as china is pushing borders or rising chinies incrusion in to indian t..

Answer / sajeev

india must condemn the act of incursion through their foreign office.the govt should instruct its unit in border to conduct a flsg meeting.to avoid such threat and for safety more mountain battalions should be formed.more patrol vessels should be inducted into coast guard and navy to guard our waters.

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what steps india shouid take as china is pushing borders or rising chinies incrusion in to indian t..

Answer / devbrath shukla


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