What is diffrance between declaration and defination of a variable or function

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What is diffrance between declaration and defination of a variable or function..

Answer / deepak mundhada

1 when we declare a variable it gets memory allocated at
stack in ram.
definition means we are assigning value to that variable.

2 address of variable can be changed but address cant be

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What is diffrance between declaration and defination of a variable or function..

Answer / r.ramakrishna

Declaration means allocating memory for the variable.
Definition means defining address of the variable in a class.

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What is diffrance between declaration and defination of a variable or function..

Answer / nagarjuna reddy

once a variable is defined it'l never change through entire
but declaration of a variable can be changed as per our

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What is diffrance between declaration and defination of a variable or function..

Answer / manish soni bca 3rd year jaipu

1:)DECLARE: int sum(int);//close with semicolon;

2:)DEFINATION: int sum(int n)//not colse with semicolon;
//logic of the function;

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