Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2
power that number and prints it

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Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it..

Answer / muz

@ ^^^

long int is not sufficient to hold the result of 2^(5 digit
Even if u take long long <variable>, the result will be
displayed as infinity.

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Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it..

Answer / pradeep

Thank you for giving reply.
But the above program was not correct as Muz said Long int
is not sufficcient to hold result..........

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Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it..

Answer / cheela deepak

integer range is -32 768 to +32 767 so it doesn't display
value of 2^n(5 digit number)

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Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it..

Answer / manish soni bca 3rd year jaipu

void main()
int n,p;
long int ans;
printf("Enter the number ans power");
scanf("%d %d",&n,&p);

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Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it..

Answer / cheela deepak

integer range is not sufficient for given program so result
will not hold

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Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it..

Answer / manish soni bca 3rd year jaipu

o/p is ;
enter the number 11111

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Write a program that takes a 5 digit number and calculates 2 power that number and prints it..

Answer / subhashini

void main()

long int n,x;
printf(" Enter 5 digit number:");
printf("result: %d",x);

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