What is the query to find nth highest salary?
What is the use of cursors?

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What is the query to find nth highest salary? What is the use of cursors?..

Answer / suraj kedia

There are 3 ways to find out the nth highest salary in a
given table (e.g. emp) as below;

1) select distinct sal from emp e1 where &n=(select count
distinct sal from emp e2 where e1.sal <=e2.sal);

2) select empno,enaame,sal,deptno,rank () over (order by sal
desc) as ra from emp where ra=&n;

3) select empno,enaame,sal,deptno,dense_rank () over (order
by sal desc) as ra from emp where ra=&n;

All the above methods are tried n tested....it works

What is a Cursor.

When a query is executed in oracle, a result set is produced
and stored in the memory. Oracle allows the programmer to
access this result set in the memory through cursors.

Why use a cursor?

Many times, when a query returns more than one row as a
result, we might want to go through each row and process the
data in different way for them. Cursor is handy here.

Types of cursors:

Oracle PL/SQL declares a cursor implicitly for all queries
and DML statements (including queries that return only one
row). But in most of the cases we don’t use these cursors
for queries that return one row. Based on this, there are 2
types of cursors

1. Explicit cursor
2. Implicit cursor

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What is the query to find nth highest salary? What is the use of cursors?..

Answer / ram

1. nth highest salary

-> select *from emp e where &n =(select count(distinct sal)
from emp m where e.sal <= m.sal);

2. -> Cursor.

When a query is executed in oracle, a result set is
produced and stored in the memory. Oracle allows the
programmer to access this result set in the memory through

use a cursor?

Many times, when a query returns more than one row as a
result, we might want to go through each row and process
the data in different way for them. Cursor is handy here.

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What is the query to find nth highest salary? What is the use of cursors?..

Answer / biswa

select distinct(e1.sal) from emp e1 where &n=(select count(distinct(e2.sal)) from emp e2 where e1.sal <=e2.sal)

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What is the query to find nth highest salary? What is the use of cursors?..

Answer / chandrasekar

Hi Suraj,

Your SQL query is not working? so please try in oracle and
once again load to site.

Thanks for ur help.

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What is the query to find nth highest salary? What is the use of cursors?..

Answer / venky

select * from emp e where &n=(select count(distinct(b.sal))
from emp b where e.sal=b.sal);

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

What is the query to find nth highest salary? What is the use of cursors?..

Answer / tina

select min(sal)
from tablename
where sal in
(select top n-1 sal from tablename order by sal desc)

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What is the query to find nth highest salary? What is the use of cursors?..

Answer / sbvp

select * from table name where sal in ( select * from
(select distinct sal from tablename order by sal desc)
where rownum<=&n);

if there is any another query plz tell me r mail me

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 6 No

What is the query to find nth highest salary? What is the use of cursors?..

Answer / sree

select sal from emp e where nth=(select count(*) from emp
where sal>e.sal);

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 12 No

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