f 9 examiners can examine a certain number of answer books in
12 days , working 5 hours a day ; for how many hours a day
would four examiners have to work in order to examine twice
the number of answer books in 30 days ?

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f 9 examiners can examine a certain number of answer books in 12 days , working 5 hours a day ; fo..

Answer / viswakajol


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f 9 examiners can examine a certain number of answer books in 12 days , working 5 hours a day ; fo..

Answer / sasi

Please see http://www.softwaredevelopersworld.com
for 3 solutions for this question (In Chain Rule, Question 24)

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f 9 examiners can examine a certain number of answer books in 12 days , working 5 hours a day ; fo..

Answer / sarath

Thanks sasi

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f 9 examiners can examine a certain number of answer books in 12 days , working 5 hours a day ; fo..

Answer / san

Lets assume the booklet is one.. so
to correct one booklet

it requires 9*12(days)*5(hours) = 1

Now we have to calculate
4*30(days)*x(hours) = 1


x= 4.5 hours//..

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 11 No

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