What is Test Strategy and Test Plan..what is the
Diff.between those?

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What is Test Strategy and Test Plan..what is the Diff.between those?..

Answer / b.ramyasri


a.Test strategy is master testplan.It will talk about the
b.What is the technical architecture of the
application/product ?
c.What are the various types of testing to be performed ?
d.What is the development methodology for the
application/product ?
e.What should be tested and how ? What should not be tested
and why ?
f.Should the entire product/application be tested as a
whole or run tests only on a certain part of it?
g.As new components are added to a large system, should the
tests be re-run which have already conducted?
h.What are the tools that can be used?
i.What should the resources be trained on?
j.When should the end-user be involved?

And testplan is written for each type of testing,Like
system testplan,UAT plan,Performance testplan,
It is more specific to type of testing.
The test plan will answer the following questions:
What is being tested?
1. What are pass/fail criteria?
2. When will each test occur?
3. What hardware and software environment is required?
4. What features must be tested?
5. What features will not be tested?
6. What are the responsibilities of individuals and
organizations involved in the project?
7. Identify the various modules and decide which
modules/functionalities will be tested. Clearly mention
which items are out-of-scope for testing
8. List down the priority of testable items (conflict-
resolution between the various players is of importance)

Thanks & Regards

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What is Test Strategy and Test Plan..what is the Diff.between those?..

Answer / mfsi_krushnas

A Test Plan describes the approach, Features to be tested,
Testers assigned, and whatever you plan for your project. A
Test Plan is usually prepared by Manager or Team Lead. That
is true but not exclusively. It depends on what the test
plan is intended for. Some companies have defined a test
plan as being what most would consider a test case. Meaning
that it is for one part of the functionality validation.

A strategy is how you are going to address testing for the
project. Some companies have a strategy or approach section
in the test plan, others have a seperate document.

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