how can u do monkey testing on website?

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how can u do monkey testing on website?..

Answer / amrita

Checking the stability of paticular website by doing
intentionally abnormal action is called money testing

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how can u do monkey testing on website?..

Answer / yuxia

Monkey Testing”,also called “stochastic testing” which is a
more technical word used to refer this type of testing.
The name 'monkey' comes from an old traditional saying that
is accepted by many as true or partially true that ‘a
thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters will eventually
type out the entire works of Shakespeare’.

Monkey Testing refers to a fully automated testing tool.The
word monkey is used to refer a fully automated testing tool.

There are different types of monkey testing
1. Dumb Monkey Testing
2. Semi Smart Monkey Testing
3. Brilliant or Smart Monkey Testing

1. Dumb Monkey Testing - You can run the tests with
automation tool like Selenium or QTP the whole day or even
for more time. A dumb monkey, with its continuous
repetition, can expose bugs such as memory leaks that might
not occur until many hours or days of normal use.

2. Semi Smart Monkey Testing - You can make our dumb monkeys
as semi smart by adding some functionality to them.
you can make a table, enter all the different values to the
table and import that table in the script of QTP it will
work and add different values one by one and generate a
report about all the values in the table and tells that with
this value test passed and with this value test fails

Brilliant Monkey Testing - You can program it as you want
like where to start and then where to click then where to
go, enter data and submit the form so on and where to stop,
so its very SMART. Most of the commercially available load
and stress testing tools depend on this smart monkey

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how can u do monkey testing on website?..

Answer / brahma412

balaji. amrita,
how can we check the stabilt yof a particular
how can u perform monkey testing on any website?

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how can u do monkey testing on website?..

Answer / balaji m

we check the main activity of that particual website.

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how can u do monkey testing on website?..

Answer / monkey

sitting like monkey and testing the website. This is
basically called monkey testing

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