What is the difference between application object and
session object?

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What is the difference between application object and session object?..

Answer / linton lazar

Application object can store the value through out the
application.It using Application.lock(),Application.unlock
() for store the values.

Sessions helps to preserve data across successive accesses.
These can be done on a per user basis, via the use of
session objects. Session objects give us the power to
preserve user preferences and other user information when
browsing a web application

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What is the difference between application object and session object?..

Answer / sridevipc

A session is the time for which a particular user interacts
with a web application.

that data stored in session is not permanent and data
stored is usually only available to a specific user

Sessions serve as a way to transport and maintain user data
in web pages, such as forums, or e-commerce websites.

The Application object stores data that is shared accross
the application and not for a specific user. Internally the
values of both the Session and Application objects are
stored in a key/value pair (HashTable). All data stored in
Application in stored 'in process', meaning if you restart
your application all data in lost (I will show you how to
maintain all application data in another tutorial).

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What is the difference between application object and session object?..

Answer / anand gopal makwa munger

You can use Application to store information that is accessible from all web page but it is not user-specific.To initialized application variable respond to the Application_Start event in Your Global.asax File

You can use Session to store user-specific information that is accessible from all web page. To initialized session variable respond to the Session_Start event in Global.asax File.

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What is the difference between application object and session object?..

Answer / kinjal panchal

Session Object:- Using the session object u can store data
for some specific user.data not store permanently in the
for Example:- using the session user go throw internal pages
in the web applications up to time out of the session
and the best example of the session is e-commerce site.
in this u store the product in the session with uses other
pages of applications.

Application object:- in application object data not store
permanently but any time u modify application object using
lock() and unlock().

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