What is difference between new and malloc?

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What is difference between new and malloc?..

Answer / harsh

the difference between malloc and new is just that when a
variable is declared using malloc, it requires type casting
while new operator whenever used does not type cast by
itself as there is no need for the variable to be typecasted
when used with new operator

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What is difference between new and malloc?..

Answer / shivi jain

new and delete are C++ specific features. They didn't exist in C. malloc is the old school C way to do things. Most of the time, you won't need to use it in C++.

malloc allocates uninitialized memory. The allocated memory has to be released with free.
calloc is like malloc but initializes the allocated memory with a constant (0). It needs to be freed with free.
new initializes the allocated memory by calling the constructor (if it's an object). Memory allocated with new should be released with delete (which in turn calls the destructor). It does not need you to manually specify the size you need and cast it to the appropriate type. Thus, it's more modern and less prone to errors.

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What is difference between new and malloc?..

Answer / vivin

malloc is a dynamic memory allocation for pointers in C language. It stands for memory allocation. It is used to allocate continuous block of memory.

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What is difference between new and malloc?..

Answer / vivin

new is a operator used for memory allocation in c++ & java

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What is difference between new and malloc?..

Answer / devi

In C the malloc is used to allocate the memory space

In C++ the new operator is used to allocate the memory space

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What is difference between new and malloc?..

Answer / amri

When we use macro its need typecasting but in new not need of typecasting.

new is a operator.

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What is difference between new and malloc?..

Answer / sanjeevkumar.v

malloc --it mean memmory allocation .it will be.crete a
memory from a element

NEW--- newly crate a program are crete a memory allocation

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