what are partial classes and their use?

what are partial classes and their use?..

Answer / alb.shah

This is a feature of 2005,when we have large and unwildly
classes instead of writing all the methods in same program
we will divide the class into number of programs with the
same class name,these classes are preceeded with partial
keyword,when we compile all this partial classes only one
dll with the same class name will be created.

class with some 20 methods:
class classA{
m1( );
m2( );
m20( );

Apply partial concept:

partial class classA
m1( );
m2( );
m8( );
partial class classA
m9( );
m10( );
m15( );
partial class classA
m16( );
m20( );

if we compile Examle1.cs,Example2.cs,Example3.cs it will
create only one dll

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