what is CMM
Explain the difference between adhoc and smoke testing
explain Bug life cycle
Explian STLC
What is severity and priority and example of highseverity
and low priority

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what is CMM Explain the difference between adhoc and smoke testing explain Bug life cycle Explia..

Answer / vivekanand

smoke testing/sanity testing/skim tsting /dry run testing:this is the type of testing where we take care of only basic or critica features.we are not go in deapth into any of the software module.here our aim is not to break the product.instead aim is to qualify wether the module given is testible or not..it mainly saves time and cost of the project.

adhok:Here our aim is to break the projet,this means to find the bugs by giving different senarios randomly which has not been mentioned in the Requirement.By thinking creatively test engg will go through the different cases.This makes the product more effective.

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what is CMM Explain the difference between adhoc and smoke testing explain Bug life cycle Explia..

Answer / n@n!

1)CMM means "Capability Maturity Model".

2)adhoc testing : when we have less time and minimum
knowledge then we go for adhoc testing.
smoke testing : testing the application on final build
release to make sure that the application is ready for

3)a step by step procedure for a rising a bug during
testing procress id called bug life cycle.
different status in bug life cycle are:

4)STLC means software testing life cycle.
it is a part of SDLC(software development life cycle)
STLC involve
1)test initiation
2)test planning
3)test case designing
4)test execution
5)bug tracking
6)bug reporting
7)test close

5)severity : severity means seriousness of bug.
it was given by PM r TL
severity status : critical,major,serious ness
priority : priority means whcih bug should rectfy first.
it was given by test engineer
priority status : high,medium,low

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what is CMM Explain the difference between adhoc and smoke testing explain Bug life cycle Explia..

Answer / nityanand r l

smoke testing is testing the basic or critical features.only
positive testing is done in smoke testing and it is always
done before we go deep into testing any feature.

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