which one is better structure or union?(other than the
space occupied )

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which one is better structure or union?(other than the space occupied )..

Answer / shrikant auti

strucure is always better than union.
there are to reasons
union occupies incorrect memory.
if the lower memory space data is preceeded by higher one.
Then memory should be alloted is addition of these two, but
the memory will be alloted will be any one out of higher
and lower there is no way to assure what memory would be

the data given in union is not necessarily be(maybe/may not
be) extreacted properly.
but in structure correct amount of memory space will be
occupied and extracting element is easy.

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which one is better structure or union?(other than the space occupied )..

Answer / nishit jain

There is no question of which one is better. Both are there
for different functionality. Structures find more usage in
day-today programming, while unions are used less often.
There are examples where structure may not solve the purpose
but unions will work without much effort. Example :
packing-unpacking of data can be done using unions easily.

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